Photographer: Erieta Attali

Related entries: 2
Summer House on Andros Island, Andros, Greece, Couvelas Architects

Summer House on Andros Island

Text description provided by the architects. The property is located in the middle of a steep hillside west of Gavrio Bay. The only landmark in the area is the old lighthouse on the southern edge of the slope. The special characteristics of the landscape as well as the brief led to a solution of splitting the house into three […]

Astir Palace Gate, Vouliagmeni, Greece, SPARCH SakellaridouPapanikolaou Architects

Astir Palace Gate

During a renovation of Astir Palace, a luxury resort 25kms away from the centre of Athens, the architects were asked to design an entrance Gate and to upgrade the entrance of the Nafsika Hotel (the Canopy). In both cases they designed an interface. The Gate The gate acts like a […]