Tag: Parks

Parc Pintor Vila Closes, Manresa, Spain, David Closes

Parc Pintor Vila Closes

This modestly-sized park is located in a dense neighborhood of the Catalan city of Manresa, lacking in greenery. With the proposed topographic configuration, and especially with the location of the most characteristic park structures (the umbracles and pergolas), the goal  is to split the park and visually distinguish these elements. […]

Luuwit Park, Portland-Oregon, United States, Skylab Architecture

Luuwit Park

Skylab Architecture worked alongside 2.ink Studio and in close collaboration with Portland Parks and Recreation to create this 16-acre, hourglass-shaped park in a northeast Portland neighborhood. The design team developed the park, formerly Beech Park, around an integrated strategy that creates both passive native meadow areas that require limited maintenance […]

Koper Central Park, Koper, Slovenia, Enota

Koper Central Park

New Koper Urban Park is set between Piranska Road and the Semedela promenade, and between the Grande canal and the area just beyond the city market. Piranska Road represents a new stage in the development of the town’s infrastructure while the promenade is one of the more important features of […]

South Pointe Park, Miami Beach, Florida, United States, Hargreaves Associates

South Pointe Park

The City of Miami Beach hired Hargreaves Associates to provide design and master plan services for 19 acre South Pointe Park, opened in March 2009. Substantial assets of the existing park included expansive views across Government Cut, adjacency to lively residential neighborhoods, and direct access to both the bayfront and […]