Architect: EM2N

Related entries: 4
Public Records Office Canton Basel-Landschaft, Liestal, Switzerland, EM2N

Public Records Office Canton Basel-Landschaft

The Public Record Office is the collective memory of the political, economic and cultural life of a canton. Consequently, a suitable urban location and appropriate architectural expression are of central importance. The current location of the existing office, amidst smaller and larger residential buildings cut off from the town centre […]

Community Centre Aussersihl, Zurich, Switzerland, EM2N

Community Centre Aussersihl

A combination of several difficult circumstances formed the starting point for this project: the dramatic polarisation of the political parties for and against socio-cultural infrastructures, a building site that threatened to slip out of public control due to an open alcohol and drug scene but that was, at the same […]

Hotel City Garden, Zug, Switzerland, EM2N

Hotel City Garden

The Parkhotel in Zug planned to erect a temporary ancillary Hotel City Garden building on a public site that in 12 to 15 years time will be used as the services area for a road building project. Despite the limited life-span this hotel was to meet the requirements of a […]