Place: BUSAN

Related entries: 2

Busan Cinema Center, Busan, South Korea, Coop Himmelb(l)au

Busan Cinema Center

The basic concept of this project was the discourse about the overlapping of open and closed spaces and of public and private areas. While the movie theatres are located in a mountain-like building, the Centre’s public space is shared between an outdoor cinema and a huge public space which is […]

Sense of the Sea Café, Busan, South Korea, JOHO Architecture

Sense of the Sea Café

Site context and design prototype EL 16.52 is a coffee shop located off the coast of Songdo, Busan, South Korea. EL stands for altitude above sea level, and 16.52 signifies an altitude level of the underground floor where the main building was built. The meaning lies in the context of […]