Photographer: Zsolt Batár

Related entries: 3
Laposa Winery, Badacsonytomajt, Hungary, PLANT - Atelier Peter Kis

Laposa Winery

The wines of the Laposa-Cellar following the millennium became well known amongst Hungarian wine drinkers under the brand name “Bazaltbor” or Basalt wine. Their growing regions are only on the basalt hills – in Badacsony, Somló, on Szentgyörgy-hill and Csobánc – which is the reason for the characteristic mineral aromas […]

The Metamorphosis of the Great Rock, Budapest, Hungary, PLANT - Atelier Peter Kis

The Metamorphosis of the Great Rock

The Great Rock – originally built between 1909 and 1912 – is one of the earliest and largest artificial rocks with reinforced concrete structure in the word; it reproduces the formations of a limestone mountain with a dolomite summit, actually existing in Transylvania. It was regarded as the most innovative […]

Práter Street 30-32, Budapest, Hungary, PLANT - Atelier Peter Kis

Práter Street 30-32

The final building outline was determined by the scale and proportion of the sorrounding buildings. We didn’t want to form blocks that oppress their environment. Our primary aim was to find an acceptable, proportioned building form, that keeps the relative regulations, and we connected the most optimal number of apartments […]