Tag: Laboratories

EBS-Electronic Based Systems Center (TU Graz), Graz, Austria, AllesWirdGut

EBS-Electronic Based Systems Center (TU Graz)

The new building of the EBS Center on the Graz University of Technology’s Infield grounds marks a kind of starting and end point. As a figurative punctuation mark, the built volume was articulated as a free-standing complex. The Center’s distinctive six-story east-side façade provides the urban front facing the campus. […]

The Express Scripts Lab, Albolote, Spain, Clickspring Design

The Express Scripts Lab

Express Scripts is responsible for managing pharmacy benefits for about 90 million Americans. In today’s complex environment, the company’s innovation solutions, and insights from actionable data provide the company with a unique opportunity to deliver on its mission: making the use of prescription drugs safer and more […]