Architect: David Closes

Related entries: 2
Parc Pintor Vila Closes, Manresa, Spain, David Closes

Parc Pintor Vila Closes

This modestly-sized park is located in a dense neighborhood of the Catalan city of Manresa, lacking in greenery. With the proposed topographic configuration, and especially with the location of the most characteristic park structures (the umbracles and pergolas), the goal  is to split the park and visually distinguish these elements. […]

Convent de Sant Francesc, Santpedor, Spain, David Closes

Convent de Sant Francesc

The Sant Francesc convent, located in the small Catalan town of Santpedor, was built in the early 18th century by Franciscan priests. In 1835 the convent was sacked. Thereafter began the process of progressive deterioration of the building that ended with its demolition in 2000. Only the church remained standing, […]